Please, someone from China tell me the wonderful Green Ram Taoist Temple of Chengdu has not been destroyed by the earthquake!
China Earthquake: Has Green Ram Temple in Chengdu survived the catastrophe?
I haven't heard anything, but I did hear and see a picture of the Jin Xiu Dong Taoist Temple. That was destroyed unfortunately. What a horrible tragedy this earthquake has been, and the Myanmar tragedy as well. I hope they both see some relief soon....
Reply:I was thinking to myself 18,000 believed dead x 2 parents = 26,000 roughly rounded impacted, then 18,000 + 26,000 = 44,000 immediate contacts impacted, so 44,000 x 2 = 88,000 immediate friends of those initially impacted
Not counted are children of adults, siblings, aunts, cousins and/or marriage contacts, so you can double a simple math number to 178,000. Additionally, add those injured and those treating those impacted along with trade contacts and the natural 4-friend association and you an estimated 356,000…
If you had 356,000 people sign a ballot for anything- the largest stadiums hold 88k, so we are looking at 4 stadiums of people, how many cars is that?
Reply:Im sorry but is that all you are worried about is a building.
Please tell me that they find more people alive and well. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families.
Reply:It survived.
Reply:The Green Ram Temple in Chengdu was destroyed.