
China Earthquake: Has Green Ram Temple in Chengdu survived the catastrophe?

Please, someone from China tell me the wonderful Green Ram Taoist Temple of Chengdu has not been destroyed by the earthquake!

China Earthquake: Has Green Ram Temple in Chengdu survived the catastrophe?
I haven't heard anything, but I did hear and see a picture of the Jin Xiu Dong Taoist Temple. That was destroyed unfortunately. What a horrible tragedy this earthquake has been, and the Myanmar tragedy as well. I hope they both see some relief soon....
Reply:I was thinking to myself 18,000 believed dead x 2 parents = 26,000 roughly rounded impacted, then 18,000 + 26,000 = 44,000 immediate contacts impacted, so 44,000 x 2 = 88,000 immediate friends of those initially impacted

Not counted are children of adults, siblings, aunts, cousins and/or marriage contacts, so you can double a simple math number to 178,000. Additionally, add those injured and those treating those impacted along with trade contacts and the natural 4-friend association and you an estimated 356,000…

If you had 356,000 people sign a ballot for anything- the largest stadiums hold 88k, so we are looking at 4 stadiums of people, how many cars is that?
Reply:Im sorry but is that all you are worried about is a building.

Please tell me that they find more people alive and well. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families.
Reply:It survived.
Reply:The Green Ram Temple in Chengdu was destroyed.

