
Is there OMEGA 3 in the fresh water fish : green carp/grass carp. Is it healthy to eat the oil in its belly?

This fish may have 2 names and commonly sold in HKG and China. The fat I am talking about is not the fist itself, it is the oil

in its belly. I am very much concerned about for my wife says

the oil is just as good as the cod-fish oil. I need someone to tell me the scientific facts. Thank very much.

Is there OMEGA 3 in the fresh water fish : green carp/grass carp. Is it healthy to eat the oil in its belly?
That would depend on where the fish was taken from. She is right if the carp is in a non polluted area. PCB's are known to cling to not only the belly fat but thrugh out the fish.

Fish oil sold in caplets are processed and actually Omega 3 is ADDED back to an oil, not always "cod liver" oil Read the ingred. Most you will find is a veggie oil or fiber soak....like flax seed.

Although eating fish has its benefits, it can also have a down side.

Cod is also a salt fish not a fresh water fish. Eating fresh fish with this oil (not fresh and frozen) is always in its natural form and is always better than a man made product.

Fish themselves don't store oils in their bellies or in their livers. This is processed.
Reply:Uumm, you have the wrong section dude. This is for PET fish, as in fish you keep in an aquarium, not fish you eat.

Is luna dust the earths new green fuel?

China is building 2 new space craft with large storage holds to go to the moon USA ARE DOING THE SAME THING THE RACE IS ON.

Is luna dust the earths new green fuel?
Naw, you are thinking of Angel dust, Shouty :P

Who knows what we will get off the moon, but I doubt it will be green fuel. It will produce "green" for goverments and greedy investors, but I doubt it will do much for the rest of us.
Reply:Have you seen any moon dust (aka lunar regolith)?! - I have.
Reply:I thought moon dust was a substance to get you high on.
Reply:The sooner the Chinese get to the moon and finally expose the Americans for being liars the better. Who will be the first man on the moon? I expect the USA will manufacture a space 'accident' to prevent the Chinese from exposing them for being the frauds they are.
Reply:The amount of fuel it takes to send a rocket to the moon far outweighs anything you could make from the moondust brought back.
Reply:Seriously I think the answer is yes.

I have to admit since the moon landings at which time I was 47 years old I have no longer believed my mummy that people live on the moon or indeed that it's made of cheese.

However having recently completed my degree in Intersolar Geology at Oxford I have realised that lies are constantly being told about the moon and its treasure.

The truth is that it's only got small amounts of cheese as its main composition is dust. This is immensely valuable to all slimming clubs and I unfortunately believe will lead to an intergalactic war between both the Zeeons and the Argclitoris rendering the universe uninhabitablus.
Reply:No, but the moon has so many resources, it could end many conflicts for metals and stuff on Earth.

But companies are just dumb and don't see how many minerals it has, and how the lower gravity makes it much easier to launch ships from there.

Are you tired of this latest green trend dribbling out of the mouths of politicians?

let's face it no matter how we cut down on harmful substances and recycle in western europe and the whole of the 1st world, the devestating economic boom of China with their gradual but huge increase in car ownership, will make our attempts to slow down global warming completely insignificant, and as ridiculous as tony blair's presence on earth

Are you tired of this latest green trend dribbling out of the mouths of politicians?
No. I am not.

I agree that China and India, the worlds two largest economies have to do more, much more about greenhouse gases, but then so does the USA. Remember, the USA has 2% of the worlds population, and is responsible for the largest amount of greenhouse gases being produced in the world.

True, China is going to overtake it, but then China has the world largest population. Unless we in the west make the first steps, we can not expect China and India to follow.
Reply:Yes.......a load of rubbish.!!
Reply:so... let's just forget it and add to it so it happens 2 times as fast?

I share your concerns... but the west is doing their part as well in polluting... but for it to be effective... someone must bring China to the table... granted...

if many of the scientists are right... the effects will grow more visible... and that's when real change will occur...
Reply:Taxgrabbing Greaseball Brown must have thought his birthday had come again when this latest load of 'green cra*p' surfaced - talk about turkeys voting for Christmas - we must be mad.
Reply:YES. Particularly when:

1. Al Gore, John Edwards, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Trudie Styler, Barbra Streisand, etc. are so elitist that they do not live by the rules they prescribe for the rest of us poor slobs and clodhoppers, and

2. The so-called "solution" is some meaningless band-aid attempt designed to make the politician and his myrmidons feel good about themselves instead of actually doing something substantive.
Reply:It is just an excuse for more taxation.
Reply:Who gives a stuff anyway?
Reply:Especially when it gets all over their POWER TIES.
Reply:Totally agree.

I'm fed up of the latest 'Must re-cycle' 'It's down to the individual' 'two week collections are helpful' - ITS A LOAD OF CRUD !!!!!

Government national and local DUMPING on ordinary people rather than tackling the real issue.


'Really ??????? So where is the pressure on stores / food producers to reduce packaging? Why are councils using this as an excuse to charge us extra for reduced services? Why is a percentage of stuff taken to be recycled actually dumped in land fills as it is not the correct standards / there are no recycling facilities nearby? Where is the realisation that even if we did recycle it would be like peeing on a forest fire as the REAL damage is as you say from China / USA ?? What about the people who are not in a position to recycle in this way (Old people, people without transport etc) ??

And the supermartkets are just as bad 'We will charge you for plastic bags' - Well, Where will the money from this 'charge' go - into general profits or to charity ????? If they do stop using disposable bags altogether, How much money will be saved ?? Why don't they just ban them and provide strong paper bags from re-cycled paper ?????????

If the plans that are on paper actually go ahead councils are in for a MASSIVE NASTY SHOCK. Remember the poll tax riots? Well I think this will be a lot worse.
Reply:Do you have a real question? Or are you just here to misuse the site as a chat room?


Do you agree that US still rules the world? Dont u think China is fast catching up as an economic giant?

I think US should not be still lying too comfortably in its green pastures lest the awaken tiger takes over not only the green pastures but the cattle in them as well. So US wake up b4 its too late, and, please make peace not war..........agree?

Do you agree that US still rules the world? Dont u think China is fast catching up as an economic giant?
It 'can' be beneficial for the US to have China as an economic superpower. Growth from other parts of the world tend to spill over to the world economy...as long as we have access to trade within those markets.

The Chinese are good people. They have an oppressive government, but the times are changing. And the more they open their markets, the more they seem to grow.

The only challenge I see with China and other developing Asian countries is that they need to act responsibly in terms of using natural resources.
Reply:if democracy ever took hold in China, that would be a good thing for us. eventually people would wake up to the pitiful wages they are recieving and eventually the world would equalize itself with all countries being on an equal economic footing. Report It

What creative ways cna you "go green" and re-use old things in new ways?

Some of us re-use things to be artsy and creative, and me, well, yes, I was a little poor growing up, so this was also a necessity.

Nowadays, it seems like it could become more "cool" to make our own items from old materials.

For instance: I made curtains for the closet-turned china cabinet in our bedroom-turned-dining room, and window curtains to match, out of an unused floral sheet that was meant for a drop cloth! I have the black leather from a big organizer that my boyfriend wasn't using, and I will use it to cover my steering wheel in the summer, to prevent the actual wheel from getting so hot.

If this was a new car, I'd buy one that stays on year round... but I think we should all stop putting so much reuseable material in the dumps anyway.

So what are your ideas?

What creative ways cna you "go green" and re-use old things in new ways?
Cereal boxes as file holders. Milk jugs as planters. Pop caps as extra game pieces or make your own checkers or tic tac toe. Donate used toilet paper rolls(the cardboard roll thingee-not used tissue,duh), paper towel rolls to local preschools, nursing homes, group homes, hospitals for craft projects. Use a roll from paper towels to store plastic bags. Peanut butter jars to store nails, screws,tacks, etc. Baby food jars for painting(mixing tempura paints or homeade paints), old clothes for rags. these are common things I do and I always try to find more!!! toothbrushes make good cleaners for the bathroom. phone books make good boosterseats(for older children who are still a bit short for the table) White blank cardboard from nylons for lists, writing, etc.I beleive in the three R's--Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. here are some web sites I googled about the 3 R's apparently there are two more Rs Reclaim and Rediscover. Wow.





Reply:It sounds like you are on the right track with reusing items. Keep on using your creative juices.

One idea: If you hot glue gun a small rock on to a stick you are halfway done with creating a dragonfly or a stick person. Cool! You can use them as ornaments or as gifts on top of a gift.
Reply:I have lots of info that I think you will find quite helpful and enlightening:

http://ecowellness.multiply.com/ for excellent inspirational info within my blog to help not only our world and its creatures, but to also open peoples hearts and minds to many amazing wonders that life has to offer. I also have lots of info in my blog to help fuel peoples imaginations to many possibilities that can be found only in the minds eye.

Along with lots of environmental info, amazing environmental pictures and videos (These videos show the beauty of this world and what life can be like if people take the time to appreciate life’s true beauty).

Let us all strive for a greener/brighter future by helping to create a solid foundation for future generations to build upon, so we can hand them a beautiful world, filled with never ending awe and wonders!!

Where peoples differences and uniqueness are accepted, where we all live as one, helping one another so that we can all play our own mysteriously beautiful melodies in the never ending, awe inspiring, song of life :-)

I truly have faith in humanity and believe that someday our lives and the world in which we live will truly be transformed for the better.
Reply:I love the scene in the movie "The Sound of Music," where the housekeeper tells Maria she is ordering new curtains. Later Maria uses the old curtains to make play clothes for the kids!

You just have to think outside the box. Or else recycle the box and just think.

Australia is rated the worst for green house gases ?

I think its more like China....and you ?

Australia is rated the worst for green house gases ?
Neither Australia or China...


Measured by total emissions: The US is the worlds largest producer of greenhouse gases producing some 5,844,042,000 tons per year (24.3% of the global total), second is China with 3,263,103,000 tons per year (14.5%). Australia is 14th producing 356,342,000 (1.5%) per year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cou...

Total emissions isn't an indicator of how clean or efficient a country is - obviously the more populated countries come top of the list (US, China, Russia, India, Japan etc) and the less populated ones come at the bottom (Micronesia, Lesotho, Lichtenstein, Somalia and Tuvalu).


A more effective way is to look at how much greenhouse gases are produced per head of the population (per capita). In this respect the US Virgin Islands top the list producing 121.3 tons per person per year, the US is 11th producing 19.8 tons pppy, Australia is 12th with 18.0 tons pppy and China is 99th producing 3.2 tons pppy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cou...


A good indicator of efficiency is to look at the GDP of each country in relation to greenhouse gas emissions. Switzerland does best with a GDP of $9415 per ton of CO2, the US is 39th with a GDP of $2118 per ton, Australia is 41st on $1943 and China is 90th with $525. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cou...

Further information is obtainable from the United Nations Statistics Division - http://millenniumindicators.un.org/unsd/...
Reply:i think it is australia, since it's abundant in animals. Remember, animal fart is a real strong green house gas. yikes.
Reply:Awesome question!

There are many cities in China that are flat-out unhealthy to breath in, yet Al Gore and other enviromental wackos want to attack democracies and capitalist societies as being evil for having strong economies.

Isn't ironic that a HUGE U.S. ally heads the list of countries that the leftists want to target.

China, Russia, and other countries want to use this global warming canard to attack us, because they can't beat us in productivity.

Awesome question.
Reply:It does not matter. The green house gas CO2 is recycled by the green plants .

The methane is a very light gas that rises very high in our atmosphere and disappears . Oh !! yes methane is a very explosive gas and haven't heard any explosives that high up,have u.
Reply:Think Australia is going to be one of the continents that are most affected by Global Warming


It would certainly seem to be in their interest to join most of the rest of the world in trying to find some answers
Reply:Australia is has the highest greenhouse gas emissions per capita.
Reply:Australia has the highest CO2 emissions PER PERSON, due to using coal a lot for power generation, but because of their small population they are not a large emitter as nations go. China has pretty low, but growing fast, PER PERSON emission, but because of their large population they are the #2 emitter in the world as a nation. The U.S. has both a high per person rate and a large population, so they (we) are the #1 emitter as a nation.
Reply:Is it rated as the highest for green emissions or atmospherically.

I know that it is rated the highest Atmospherically because the conglomeration of world greenhous gasses is almost directly over Austrailia.

Antartica has the Ozone hole starting on the northern portion of the continent and continuing well over Australia
Reply:i think its austaralia its hotter there

What do u thing about no green card no car?

This 22 year old woman was here since she was 7 years old she has no legal status,has 2 kids and recently was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer.

She entered a raffle at a spanish radio station .

The price was a 1999 Corvet donated from a famous Mexican/American singer.

The only rule was to be present at time of drawing.

Well she won the car but the radio station lawyer told her tha t if she claim her price He will call U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement to get her deported.

The radio station is the one that organized the "famous" march of people last year.

In a separate incident this month,Toys R Us agreed to award a chinese american infant born in New York a 25,000 prize in a New Year's baby contest after the company was criticized for disqualifying the girl because her mother was (is) an illegal immigrant from china.

Do you think the radio station should give this poor woman (now she is in hiding because she is afraid), the car she won?

What do u thing about no green card no car?
If citizenship wasn't a rule originally, why would it be now? Plus, wouldn't the donor step in and maybe make sure this happened, seeing as you noted her heritage? I see no reason why the woman should not receive the prize she lawfully won.
Reply:Yes she deserves the Car. Surely she can apply for citizenship based on the fact that she has been here so long?

Why dont you start a petition and send it to the radio station. Also contact the news stations and get them to give her coverage on her current plight.

Thats what happened with the Toys r us thing.

Well at least she gets free medical treatment for her cancer , maybe she shouldn't become a legal resident because then she would lose those rights!!
Reply:I think people should not violate our borders. Being an illegal alien is like walking into a person's house without being invited. Only these uninvited "guests" raid your fridge put their feet up on your coffee table and then yell at you because you don't have a cold beer ready for them.
Reply:it's a dumb idea because this nation is built on the back of african slaves without green card and they were given bloody backs.
Reply:of course. She was brought into the US. She had no choice.
Reply:Go get the Car and sale it and take the cash to buy an Attorney./
Reply:I don't think she should get the car. If she is afraid and hiding, she should have applied for citizenship when she turned 18. She may not have had a choice when she was a child but she has one as an adult. She chose to have two children in this country and it makes me wonder who paid for them. I am also a single mother of two, working two jobs to get by. I have never collected a cent of welfare. There isnt enough to go around, you see I am white and they seem to save it for the illegal immigrants. I have no sympathy for people who chose to not to the right thing. I dont care if you come to this county but remember two things, do it legally and learn to speak english. I feel bad that she is sick. I know what its like, I have no health insurance. Again, as a citizen I cant get any help!
Reply:Well, thats a touchy topic actually but if people want to come here to live then they DO need to be a LEGAL immigrant. I think she should go about doing whatever it takes to become a legal citizen then go after the radio station for discrimination and harrassment.
Reply:It's tough to say. It is hard to believe there was no fine print in the rule book here. A giveaway such as a car seems like there would be some small print in the rules as well as some liabilities at stake from the radio stations side.

In a perfect world, I would say give her the car. How can they hold it against her if in fact the only rule was to be there while the draw was taking place.
Reply:NO!!! She is an illegal alien!!!! She should be afraid. It is amazing how much people coddle these criminals. That's what they are no matter how long they've been here, CRIMINALS. In fact, the longer they've been here the more severe their punishment should be because they have been knowingly breaking the law for that much longer.
Reply:I think it should not matter if her name was drawn out she should get the prize
Reply:Nope she is an illegal, why didnt she apply for a green card ? Whos paying for all her medical and her childrens support...Could it be us the tax payers?
Reply:I'm anti illegal immigrants. I think if you want to live in the United States become a citizen. Don't come mooch off our government and take government assistance from the hard working LEGAL AMERICANS that deserve it. Even if she could get the car if she's an illegal immigrant she can't drive it anyway she has no legal driver's license. If you want to live here and be free become a citizen of this great nation. Be willing to fight for the freedom you want and think you deserve so bad. If you want the freedom and rights of an American become one legally


Do i need a seperate i-130 for my daughter in China?

I entered US with my B-2 visa and I just got married with my boyfriend (now husband) in California. I decided to stay here in California so I have submit my i-485 to change status and get green card. I have my own daughter who is 20 years old and I would like to apply for her as well. Since I have submit the i-130 for myself and my daughter's name was given on this i-130 form, I want to know if I need to submit another i-130 form for my daughter?? thanks for your help and god blesss.

Do i need a seperate i-130 for my daughter in China?
Yes, your daughter would need to be the beneficiary of a separate I-130.

Your husband cannot file for her because a step-parent or step-child will qualify for immigration only if the marriage creating the step-parent/child relationship occurs before the child's eighteenth birthday.

If you become a permanent resident, and your daughter does not marry, you can file an I-130 for her.

I wish to identify a pattern of china made by Burleigh.?

Off white background with two-tone leaves, and colorful pink %26amp; red blossoms, smaller yellow blossoms. The back ground is filled with blue-grey leaves and wiggly lines, as well as some blue-grey branches. The dishes are rimmed with a deep green narrow border. Pieces include two small bowls with two handles - one on each side.

Can anyone tell me what this unusual pattern is?

I wish to identify a pattern of china made by Burleigh.?
Not sure if they will have it but take a look at the Replacements website. Here is a page of Burgess and Leigh Patterns which I gather is the successor to the Burleigh company. You'll need some patience to get through all of them so good luck on finding your pattern.

OOPS I forgot to include the link. Sorry about that :-((


Is anyone else here a green tea junky?

im addicted after buying a package of 200 in the los angelas china town. its foojoy with jasmine flavoring

Is anyone else here a green tea junky?
im a green tea junkie, almost have it every couple of days. you should try green tea ice cream also.
Reply:I drink decaffeinated green tea.
Reply:I AM....Frappucinos...bottled.... home made.....and where can i get ice cream!?
Reply:I love green tea also!! I drink mine with honey and a lemon slice!!
Reply:Green tea is awesome. Check out oolong.
Reply:yea i am
Reply:Sorry, I can't say that I've ever liked drinking Green Tea. They say it's really good for you, tho!
Reply:I wish I could
Reply:I'm more into cappuccino.
Reply:Right here you caught me, I love the stuff, you can do so much with it.
Reply:im addicted!!! especially the new lipton citrus green tea!!! YUMO
Reply:It is very good for you, so enjoy!
Reply:I have never drunk it and it doesnt really appeal to me however its very good for you so enjoy it :)

Do you know anything about Green Soybeans?


The beans they call "Edamame" in Japan and

"Mao Dou" in China ..

Thank you.

Do you know anything about Green Soybeans?
check out this website. it's the best and hopefully you'll agree that my answer was the best. aloha!
Reply:You can buy them frozen at grocery stores. I found them at Costco. You just lightly steam them to thaw them, and eat the beans right out of the pod. Usually, they are lightly salted before they were frozen, so they don't need seasoning.

We serve them with the appetizer course at dinner.
Reply:I know they taste good. They are supose to be good for you.

They were cooked with a little butter and salt. Steamed I guess anyway it is kind of like pea's. At first I said, I don't like soy beans.

But they are not like soy beans. They actually taste good.

Beauty Home

If you just got your 2 year green card and you are getting divorce does the card holder have to leave country?

i married a chinese girl and now after 7 months we do not get along at all. does she get to stay or has to go back to china.no one here is wrong or right just do not get along.

If you just got your 2 year green card and you are getting divorce does the card holder have to leave country?
Since there is no right or wrong, she will have to turn in her greencard. Usually only people who get abused while being in the US on a greencard can get to stay. Best would be to think about getting a divorce/immigration lawyer in this case as well.
Reply:If you married someone it means you must have done a good study of a girl to whom you are marrying. I feel the girl should get her due because she trusted you as a life partner. I thing she should stay there as per her will. if she is working, she may not have problem to continue there. if you want, you can be apart for some time to settle the differances if any. I understand that chinese girls are beautiful and they have ever lasting inherent beauty in them. Also they better understand the family values and the relationship.If any misunderstanding is there, forgive her and give her a fair chance. In the later age she will be asset to you and not the liability as a life partner.
Reply:she could still stay. though with 2year probation before her card expires she should file the removal of conditions and apply for waiver because you will not be filling it jointly and she should have proofs that she entered the marriage in good faith but unfortunately got divorce for some reasons. she also have to file it evidences of divorce. for more information go here: uscis.gov.
Reply:if you filed for her and you are not married for over two years or have not changed the permanent resident status yet then if you get divorced before the two years she will no longer be eligible for residency

If you just got your 2 year green card and you are getting divorce does the card holder have to leave country?

i married a chinese girl and now after 7 months we do not get along at all. does she get to stay or has to go back to china.no one here is wrong or right just do not get along.

If you just got your 2 year green card and you are getting divorce does the card holder have to leave country?
She will have to leave.
Reply:Since marriage was the reason for granting her a green card, the end of the marriage is the end of the green card. She must return to China. IF she does not, there can be a presumption of marriage fraud and you get to go to prison for a number of years as well as pay a stiff fine.

Get the divorce (you can also get it annulled stipulating that since the marriage you have come to believe that she only married you to get immigration benefits -- which is highly likely), withdraw your sponsorship of her visa, and be sure she leaves the US.
Reply:If you are not married for at least 2 years the green card is kaput.
Reply:Be careful If you or some one else were the sponsor You are responsible for her economically.as long as she is in the U S also the cost to deport her Trust me if she has friends in the U S they know all the rules better than you Try an understand she has left country and friends to come here maybe you can work it out Many times the pressure put on these girls by family is unbelievable ask her about it Her family members well make her think it is them she must take care of and you are of no importance It is drilled into them from childhood but it can be over come

My Asian wife and I went down this road we send a little each mouth to her family She told me ''I don't want my daughter to be put thru this '' I'm planning a trip back for my daughter to see her grandparents my wife does not want to go But it was bad for awhile As you know Asian women do not want to talk about things like this so keep at it in a calm manner Good luck
Reply:Since there is no right or wrong, she will have to turn in her greencard. Usually only people who get abused while being in the US on a greencard can get to stay. Best would be to think about getting a divorce/immigration lawyer in this case as well.
Reply:She has to leave - call ICE and tell them your marriage is over, evidenced by divorce papers, and they will withdraw her application and ship her home!

Next time know better - that is the only reason why she married you!

You may want to read this!


Good Luck!
Reply:I can't believe some of the answers you have received, people obviously need to read up on immigration policy.

Your wife has a conditional green card, if you divorce before she removes those conditions then she is still legal in the United States.

She has the legal right to apply and request to remove those conditions on her own, without you. She can do this by filing Form I-751, she will have to prove that the marriage was entered into, in good faith - just like she would have to do if she was still married and requesting jointly.

Nothing changes except, that once a divorce occures she would check box 'D' in Part two of the form rather than box 'A'

She is a permanent resident of the United States until an immigration judge decides otherwise. A divorce does not terminate her legality in the U.S. nor does she have to return home because of it.

Just an additional note, if she manages to remove the petitions of her green card on her own, you will still be finanacialy responsible for her due to the declaration you made when you signed Form I-864.
Reply:she could still stay. though with 2year probation before her card expires she should file the removal of conditions and apply for waiver because you will not be filling it jointly and she should have proofs that she entered the marriage in good faith but unfortunately got divorce for some reasons. she also have to file it evidences of divorce. for more information go here: uscis.gov.

What is the name of my noritake china pattern?

it is a white wth green and gold and flowers

What is the name of my noritake china pattern?
Go to www.noritakechina.com and do a pattern search. If it is an old pattern you can do other searches or even by the book called "noritake dinnerware identification made easy"

I have a rare set I bought in the service in 1967 and I found the pattern via searching on the web.

Good luck
Reply:Why would you waste time asking here? And with no picture yet? Are you thinking?

Go to Noritake's site and you'll find your answer.

Asus Eee pc in lush green?

anyone know where I can buy one in the uk? some on ebay but mostly from China- nothing wrong with that but I want one quickly!

Asus Eee pc in lush green?
try this, maybe can help



Hey, do they have Green Apple Fanta here in the States?

I love it, first found in China last summer.

Hey, do they have Green Apple Fanta here in the States?
um...no. we have grape, strawberry, orange, and pineapple. but no green apple. that sounds disgusting enough to be good!! : )
Reply:Yes they are green apple fanta here and lemon here why you like them or something. Maybe you should go back to china, and ate some more before you come back here. Piece. LOL
Reply:no but we have jolly rancher but fanta sounds better

I have an xbox made in china 2003 and just got it modded with an executer .there is now no pic or sound .help?

it worked for a while after getting it moded but one day i was watching a dvd and then it froze i turne it off and on and ever since there is no pic or sound and recently the disc tray only opens sometimes.the green light around the eject button still lights up.can anyone help please it would be appreciated alot.thanx

I have an xbox made in china 2003 and just got it modded with an executer .there is now no pic or sound .help?
Not being funny, but that's why you don't get your consoles modded; it's illegal, foolish, and ruins other peoples online gaming experience; not to mention you will get perminantly banned from online. Don't mod consoles.
Reply:I just came across a site that sends you a Xbox 360 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.

Any good sites for green comsumerism?

Specifically I'm looking for a site that lists manufacturers that make their goods in decent living conditions where workers are treated fairly and paid well.

Everything I see is made in China. I want to buy safe goods (organic or natural) and ones made in a politically correct manner.

Hope that makes sense, I googled quite a bit and couldn't find much.

Any good sites for green comsumerism?


Sorry had to get that out. The two words do not go together. To be green just buy less of everything. Consumerism is the problem; consumerism is greed which is exploitation of other people and the Environment.

I know that is not what you meant to say so just Google Fair Trade http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/

Once you have learned about the issues you will be able to make better choices when you buy from anywhere. Company's have to have a statement these issues, just read it before buying a product.

However, you are right to be very cynical, they use all sorts of terminology to make you believe they are Environmentally supportive and fair to the producers when they are clearly not. Use Fair Trade products as a starting point and work from there.
Reply:I understood your intentions, in the 'Green' sections a lot of people want to BUY as much GREEN stuff as possible so they can be fashionably green consumerists. I am glad you think carefully before you buy. Thank you - belladonna Report It

Reply:You want safe, "politically correct" products.

What exactly does that have to do with "green". It helps the environment by ... making you feel good about the cheap junk you buy?
Reply:why do you hate chinese people??

My wife has a green card from the u.s. and a chinese passport. does she need a visa to enter singapore?

traveling to singapore from china in february 2007

My wife has a green card from the u.s. and a chinese passport. does she need a visa to enter singapore?
Visa requirements are based on citizenships, not country of residence, that is, on passports. So, if Chinese citizens need a visa to enter Singapore, she needs a visa. If Chinese do not need a visa to enter Singapore, she does not. Green cards do not count.

You can find out visa requirements in the embassy of Singapore:


php hosting

Which place worth a visit here?china jack?

its a good place for bike sport. the road more then 10000meters long .no cars runing on the road .what you can see just green trees and blue sky.sometimes birds sing good songs on the tree.flowers and the cool wind make you very safe.when i see such a good place i just want to buy the whole placei want to buy some horse then someone will rent my horse for enjoy the natural on this place and i will earn good money.its so prety a place,in the end of the road its an old town.where many old buildings old river old boat and fantastic food ,the town has a dancing bar.girls all prety .if you fell tired they will teaching you how to dancing with them and thats free,actually the ticket just 5rmb with free chinese tea,do you think its a good place?are there many same place in uk?chinajack?

Which place worth a visit here?china jack?
No sandstorms? Cant be China!
Reply:Yes its a good place, anywhere with free chinese tea is good!

How can I find my mothers China Pattern from 1965? It's called MEISSEN JADE by WINTERLING/BAVARIA . Thank U!

She received it as a wedding gift in 1965. It's green floral. So far I was able to find the pattern on replacements.com however they do not have any of the pieces that she needs. Here is the link that has a picture attached. And I tried Ebay as well, however since I am new to Ebay I had no luck at all. Perhaps it is an usual pattern? Take a look at the picture at the link below and any help that I receive will be greatly appreciated!!!! http://www.replacements.com/webquote/WIG...

How can I find my mothers China Pattern from 1965? It's called MEISSEN JADE by WINTERLING/BAVARIA . Thank U!
Here is an article about using replacement china websites and using registration services to help locate pieces you need. It is an excellent place to start and has many informative links to help you get started.

Registering your china sounds like a good way to start so you can be notified when the item you are looking for is available.


Good luck! It may be a long term project, but in the end, I think you mother will be very happy!
Reply:First off, you can buy it from replacements.com.

Do a search on the internet by typing in Meissen Jade,Winterling. Try Froogle. These give you antique collectors/stores that have the pattern.

Old China patterns are hit and miss.

Realize that replacing china patterns are not cheap.

Try Freecycle.com in your areas as "Wanted Item".

Local Thrift and Goodwill. (hit or miss)


Try Blujay.com as a wanted item (or in search of).

Good luck. Happy Hunting.

I have a lighter factory in China. I want to produce a lighter with different color torch flames.?

Ok, so I can't make a black flame. I went to http://www.sciencecompany.com/sci-exper/...

and they are selling metal salts that can change color flame. do these salts get used up, or can I suspend a particle above the torch flame of the lighter and have it last the life of the lighter? we already have green flames, red, and blue flames, but each salt is different I am assuming. I would like to make orange, purple, and yellow flames, specifically. who can tell me which can sustain itself without melting, and do I have to use an amalgam to harden the metal without losing its color changing properties. thank you very much chemistry geniuses.

I have a lighter factory in China. I want to produce a lighter with different color torch flames.?
like others have described, you're using up atoms to emit the light. It is sort of an atomic emission spectrum (AES) analysis. filaments could be used in the plasma stream. over time, the filament is going to go away. copper filament would be green, etc.

salts capable of being dissolved in the butane are interesting. there is a ton of info out there on metals and their emitted colors upon excitation
Reply:I have a great answer close down your factory in china build it in America and let American workers solve your problem. Be American buy American
Reply:i don't know. green, red, and blue flames are really cool. black flame sounds toxic, will it give out toxic fume if the flame is black? I hope you find your answer because that's an interesting question.

btw i think u might need some kind of metal. i doubt salt will stand up to the heat in the long run.
Reply:The salts are being ionized by the heat of the flame and consumed. After a few uses, your flame will loose color.
Reply:Just try it. Get samples of different salts and try them all out. Shouldn't take long.
Reply:If you have a factory, I would like to talk to you about an idea for your lighters..... the flame color is a great start, but there is something that many of us smokers desire in a good lighter. My son is working on it and is looking for a manufacturer. If you're interested, email me at destiny_41_99@yahoo.com.

Did you know that in china town,you can goto these stores that sell tea,they have all different?

types of green tea for dieters,and you can buy a 20 box pack for less than $5,and it works just as well as the ones that sell for an arm and a leg.

Did you know that in china town,you can goto these stores that sell tea,they have all different?
Yes I did. But thanks for letting others know.


How do i cook fresh green beans so that they are still a little crispy?

I have had them at a china buffet this way, they are in a glaze and still have a little crunch to them, do you know how to make them?

How do i cook fresh green beans so that they are still a little crispy?


1 lb green beans


1 tablespoon chinese black bean sauce (available at Asian markets)

1 tablespoon dark soy sauce or tamari

2 teaspoons chinese rice wine or dry sherry or rice vinegar

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar


1 tablespoon chopped garlic

1 tablespoon chopped ginger

2 scallion, chopped, white part only

1/2 teaspoon chili paste or 4-6 small dried red chili

2 tablespoons peanut oil, for stir-frying more if needed

1 teaspoon sesame oil, for stir-frying (can use peanut oil, your preference)

Wash the green beans and pat dry with paper towel. Cut ends on the diagonal leaving beans long. Combine the sauce ingredients and set aside. Warm a wok over medium heat and add 2 tablespoons peanut oil. Drizzle oil down the sides of the wok. Once the oil is heated, add the green beans. Stir-fry for about 10 minutes, or until the skins pucker and turn brown and the green beans are tender (NOT mushy). Remove the beans from the wok. Over medium-high heat, heat 1 teaspoon sesame oil. Once the oil is hot, add the chopped garlic, ginger and scallions. Stir-fry briefly for a few seconds until aromatic. Add the chili paste or dried chili peppers. Add the sauce and the green beans to the wok. Toss and serve hot.

Reply:Well you need to get boiling water with a little salt in the water. Make sure the water is boiling hard before you put the green beans in. After they go into the water you need to mix them around a little. let them cook for a good 4 to 5 mins. Just remember that you can take one out and try it out. YOU DON"T WANT TO COOK THEM TO LONG. After 4 to 5 mins take them out of the hot water and put them RIGHT INTO ICE WATER. this is called "BLANCHING AND SHOCKING" you need to put them in the ice water bath to make them STOP cooking. This will make sure that they are nice and crispy. When you are ready to eat them just drop them back into the HOT water just for a few seconds to warm them.
Reply:a quick dip (not more than 2 min) in boiling water. You can add salt, pepper, oil, whatever, to your water just don't add baking soda. Put your beans in ice water. sautee in a mixture of soy sauce, honey, garlic, and sesame oil. You can decide the proportions for your sautee mixture, according to your taste. (more honey=better glaze)
Reply:I usually steam my green beans and they come out nice and deep green and crispy, then all I do is toss them in a saute pan where I heated and reduce some teriyake sauce till it has thickened up somewhat, then toss with green beans and plate. Very crisp, and delicious.. Key though is to get water to boiling point before placing green beans in steamer.
Reply:Cut the little strings off the ends and put them in a glass dish. Put a scant 1/4" water in there, and cover with wax paper. Microwave 2-3 min, or just until bright green. They'll still have a wonderful crunch, and the nutrients will still be in there - since there's so little water.....
Reply:If they are really tiny, just saute them in a little olive or peanut oil for about 5 or 6 minutes, then at the end toss in some garlic and a little soy sauce and sesame oil. If they are bigger, you may want to parboil them first, just 1 or 2 minutes, then saute.
Reply:Steam them and when they are a nice green colour plunge it cold water. That will set the colour and cease the cooking.
Reply:Give zach w the BA . In the short-and language that the pro's use it would simpy be




and that sequence will work on many products including pasta
Reply:Blanch them in boil water say 15 minutes then put them in cold water ice bath that stops the cooking and keeps color and maybe crispness!...
Reply:I love green beans, but I've never perfected the art of making those little fellas. =]

Need to find which Noritake china pattern I have!?

I have a Noritake tea set that is really old that has been in my family and no one knows anything about the pattern. I have went to the web site replacements.com and cant seem to find this pattern. I have narrowed the years down to 1921-1952...i think. The stamp has the "M" "handpainted" and "Made in Japan". It is a light green colored. The set design is a white base, with cream backround, gold flower design (it isnt too heavy/thick). an anyone please help me with any information? Even a closer range of years would help. Thank you

Need to find which Noritake china pattern I have!?
is it here?...


or follow one of these links to EBAY and check there if you havent' already...


Cyclones and Earthquakes are they green?

If the root cause of global warming is really population, why is it we should be so concerned with these natural calamities. If China with all thier people and all thier money fall short in response, why do we need to get involved? If the military junta wants to kill thier people in Burma, how can we be expected to help. If the slaughter in Sudan continues unabated and Mugabe destroys his food supply, why do we need to care. Shouldn't the people in these countries be the ones who demand answers and action from the people that rule them?

Cyclones and Earthquakes are they green?
Compassion should have no borders. They are oppressed people by oppressed governments. This country could very quickly become like that government as long as we trust our government to solve our problems, and not take on personal responsibility. There is a great movement to create a global economy, global government to solve global problems, but this could cause our governments to become oppressive.

Government is like a necessary evil. Just like money. It's necessary, but can be evil.
Reply:The moral obligation to aid and protect other humans is not restricted by man made national borders.

Yes, people in every country should demand that their governments respect the obligation to aid and protect other humans. But perhaps there are too many people thinking the way your question does, that we have no obligation to protect anyone that is a bit different from us.

That kind of thinking is in reality what makes it possible for tyrants to retain power.

What is white tea in China?

white tea ,green tea ,which is helpful ?

What is white tea in China?
There are three basic kinds of tea: green, oolong. brown (aka black). They are divided up according to how much processing they go through before being dried and packaged.

Green tea is the least processed while brown is the most. This means that green teas has both less caffeine and more anti-oxidents which help to remove free radicals from your system (free radicals can cause all kinds of problems for cells).

Brown tea (your black teas and ice teas) have a higher caffeine content and practicaly no anti-oxidents.

Oolong is somewhere between these two.

White tea is really a type of green tea (though most white tea lovers would probably argue that point) that is picked before the leaf budds open, usualy giveing it a lighter and more delicate flavor. While I am not very familiar about the exact health properties of white tea, I asume that it is not very different from the rest of the green teas.
Reply:Green tea is most useful.
Reply:There are various classification of teas in China

Black tea is the best known and most popular tea in the world, however, in Chinese, it is called 紅茶 [hong cha] or literally “red tea.” Most people would agree that the color of black tea is really more red than black. The “black” really refers to the color of the dark fully oxidized tea leaves. An example of the red tea is 正山小種 [zheng shan xiao zhong] grown in Fujian.

Chinese tea is classified based on the level of oxidation or fermentation process of the 茶葉 [cha ye] or tea leaves after they are picked. The tea leaves with minimal oxidation is generally known as 綠茶 [lu cha] or literally “green tea” and the color of the tea is of a bright green tint. The oxidation level is stopped by dry cooking the freshly picked leaves in hot pans. 龍井茶 [long jing cha] is a well known example of Chinese green tea grown in Zhejian.

烏龍茶 [wu long cha] or oolong tea is classifieid as 青茶 [qing cha] or blue* tea. The level of oxidation ranges from 15% to 75% between that of the green tea and red tea. The lower oxidation level of tea leaves yield a more golden color whereas the higher oxidation level of tea leaves produce a redder color like the red tea. Oolong is primarily grown in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan. 鐵觀音 [tie guan yin] is an example of blue tea grown in Taiwan.

Distinguished by the white hair-like fur on the leaves, 白茶 [bai cha] or white tea is primarily grown in Fujian. The leaves are generally air-dried in the sun as opposed to being oven-roasted for the oolong. White tea yields a pale green color of tea. 白牡丹 [bai mu dan] is an example of white tea grown in Fujian.

黃茶 [huang cha] or yellow tea whose tea leaves have a relatively low level of oxidation and are generally more yellow which consequently produce a yellow-colored tea. 君山銀針 [jun shan yin zhen] is an example of yellow tea grown in Hunan.

黑茶 [hei cha] or black tea whose tea leaves are fully oxidized and dark brown like those of red tea. Some of the popular black tea are compressed into tea bricks or discs as opposed to loose tea leaves. A well known example of black tea is 普洱茶 [pu er cha] also known as pu-erh tea is grown in Yunnan.

Outside the rainbow colors of Chinese tea classification, there are still many types of tea, including 花茶 [hua cha] or flower tea, commonly known as 香片 [xiang pian] or scented tea, which blends flower petals with tea leaves. A popular example of scented tea is 茉莉花茶 [mo li hua cha] or jasmine tea, is a blend of oolong and jasmine.

As far as which is helpful - I think more people are familiar with the green tea and more studies have been done on green tea that it might be a preferred choice. However, more studies could be done on white tea and others to determine the healthful benefits of each type of teas.
Reply:They are equally good. The only difference is that there are just too many MEDIOCRE green tea in the market.

Bottled green tea, teabags or decaffeinated green tea is hardly worth it. They contain a fraction of catechins found in loose green tea.

The best green tea is made from very young tea shoots. So is white tea.

Green tea processing involves picking, high heat firing, rolling and final drying.

White tea processing go through the same process, but skips the rolling bit.

Drinking those tender tea shoots are the key. They contain the most catechins and theanine.


Anyone know of Cresent China? Pottery mark has a traingle with the letter "K" in it.?

Have an old bowl with green trim on edge-there is a picture of a girl inside the bowl with long brown hair, dressed in blue bib overhalls, and surrounded by pink flowers. I am trying to find pics of this on the web.

Anyone know of Cresent China? Pottery mark has a traingle with the letter "K" in it.?


Where does green onion pancake originate from?

It's China right? Also, is there any other info about it?

Where does green onion pancake originate from?
The green onion pancake, called Scallion Pancake (蔥油餅), you're referring to here is a common favorite snack among the Chinese in different regions, not a variation of the Japanese Osaka-style Okonomiyaki. The 蔥油餅 actually originated from China during the Qin Dynasty (秦朝).

It is such a popular favorite snack that there are many different "styles," such as the Shanghai style, Taiwanese style, Cantonese style, Beijing/northern style, and even a southern style. Regardless of the type of style, the main ingredients are flour, green onions and Tapioca (given its finer texture, it is the common favorite preference over cornstarch)....whereas, the Japanese Osaka-style Okonomiyaki (according to the authentic Osaka "home" recipe anyway) consists of mostly Chinese yam, just a little bit of flour, pork, squid, only half a green onion, cabbage, dried shrimp and eggs.

The Scallion Pancakes I like is the Taiwanese style, which is fluffy and crunchy in layers, but their version has too much green onions. So my homemade version has a bit more green onions than most restaurants' versions, but less onions than the true Taiwanese version. The keys to making the best Scallion Pancakes lie in the thickness of the batter (watery vs. semi-watery; chilled batter vs. room temperature) as well as keeping the wok moving in the same direction in order to keep the pancake moving, while keep on "patting" it with the 鏟 (spatula? English equivalent?) thereby achieving a "layered fluffiness" texture (有層次 = have layers; 爽脆 = crispy; 口感 = texture). How long the batter is chilled in a freezer before frying----as well as what "type" of oil used, such as salad oil vs. lard----affects how well the pancake maintains its "freshness" in taste and texture AFTER it's served on the table. And when the salt is added affects how "watery" the batter turns out. Tricks such as these are never printed in Chinese cookbooks. What most Chinese restaurants sell here in the U.S., or even among the street vendors in Taiwan and China, taste rather "flat," because most chefs think this is the simplest of all snacks (and it is, compared to Dim Sum dishes) that they don't put as much energy and thoughts into making it. As for me, I am just a super picky eater and grew up with scallion pancakes as one of my all-time favorite snacks, so I just happen to notice all these details----even picky in cooking plain steam rice----so I tried multiple methods to perfect my own techiniques.

Here's an authentic Osaka-style Okonomiyaki pancake (more like the American omelette or Chinese egg-foo-young to me):


Not my recipe, but this Scallion Pancake recipe (directly translated from Chinese) is just to give an idea of comparison with the Okonomiyaki:


And because Japanese descendants came from the Chinese 倭人 (from Wu kingdom, 吳國), during the Spring Autumn period (春秋戰國時代), although the Okonomiyaki originated from Osaka, it would not surprise me if that Okonomiyaki is actually originated from China.
Reply:I believe it's a variant on the Japanese (specifically, Osakan) dish, oko-no-mi-yaki...


kids clogs

No green card no free car won on raffle?

This 22 year old woman was here since she was 7 years old she has no legal status,has 2 kids and recently was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer.

She entered a raffle at a spanish radio station .

The price was a 1999 Corvet donated from a famous Mexican/American singer.

The only rule was to be present at time of drawing.

Well she won the car but the radio station lawyer told her tha t if she claim her price He will call U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement to get her deported.

The radio station is the one that organized the "famous" march of people last year.

In a separate incident this month,Toys R Us agreed to award a chinese american infant born in New York a 25,000 prize in a New Year's baby contest after the company was criticized for disqualifying the girl because her mother was (is) an illegal immigrant from china.

Do you think the radio station should give this poor woman (now she is in hiding because she is afraid), the car she won?

No green card no free car won on raffle?
If she's been here since she was 7, she's had more than enough time to apply for citizenship. I agree with the decision, as I also agree with Toys R Us disqualifying the child. I am not cold hearted by any means, but being here illegally is breaking the law and lawbreakers shouldn't be rewarded, they should be held accountable!
Reply:Seems a little harsh to me.
Reply:you should tell us which station it is so we can call them up and tell them what a slime ball that guy is for not allowing her to claim her car. I don't see what INS has to do with her claiming a prize that she won fair and square and beside if they had a heart they'd know that the US is the best place for her right now as she battles this cancer.

In response to blonde saying that the woman had enough time to apply to become a US citizen well I guess you don't know anything about immigration law because she would have to become a legal resident for at least 5 yrs before she can qualify to become a US citizen.

As for the baby being disqualified, what does the baby have to do with the parent? maybe you should try visiting some countries around the world or try learning about them before waving a war on illegal immigrants. I am lucky enough to be an American but as someone who have traveled enough, met enough people to know that being ignorant to the plight of these immigrants would be a crime in itself.
Reply:Tough question. What are the amnesty rights?
Reply:Yes...by all means!
Reply:Nope. Read the fine print in just about any contest. It says something like: Contest is open to legal U.S. Residents Only. (Then probably an age group that qualifies.) Winners subject to verification, etc, etc.
Reply:Nobody wants one.
Reply:Absolutely, and the radio station is pretty low class to do such a thing. What frauds they are!
Reply:she should sue the station for breach of contract, if she has two kids they are American citizens,and she has every right to be in this country to provide for them.
Reply:I feel her pain but you cant reap the benefits of a country that you do not legally belong to.

No green card no free car in raffle? What you think?

This 22 year old woman was here since she was 7 years old she has no legal status,has 2 kids and recently was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer.

She entered a raffle at a spanish radio station .

The price was a 1999 Corvet donated from a famous Mexican/American singer.

The only rule was to be present at time of drawing.

Well she won the car but the radio station lawyer told her tha t if she claim her price He will call U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement to get her deported.

The radio station is the one that organized the "famous" march of people last year.

In a separate incident this month,Toys R Us agreed to award a chinese american infant born in New York a 25,000 prize in a New Year's baby contest after the company was criticized for disqualifying the girl because her mother was (is) an illegal immigrant from china.

Do you think the radio station should give this poor woman (now she is in hiding because she is afraid), the car she won?

No green card no free car in raffle? What you think?
that stinks, bloody radio stations. I would organize a boycott if i were you.

then they would sit up and think
Reply:She isn't eligible for the car. They threatened to call immigration on her because she is trying to sue.

In the article I read, it said the radio station is required by law to get a valid Social Security number or tax identification number from all winners of prizes worth more than $500. If she doesn't have one then she can't win the prize. Its that simple.

I hope they find her and she gets deported. Everything in this country is for citizens and legal residents. Illegals are entitled to nothing.
Reply:She was present at the drawing and she should get the car. The lawyer is a scumbag for making a threat like that which I have no doubt was made strictly for publicity.
Reply:I say they tell her there gonna award her the car and when she shows up to pick it up they have ICE waiting to ship her and her ILLEGAL Anchor babies back where they belong. And then Donate the money from the sell of the car to the families of the TWO US border patrol agents currently being held in prison for doing there jobs SHOOTING an ILLEGAL in the Rear end.
Reply:No. It should be for a US citizen or a Green Card holder. It's about time somebody reminded these people they're here illegally.

PS. The story in the new says the contest required the winner to be a US citizen or permanent resident.
Reply:If the rules state prize to be awarded to a LEGAL United States citizen, both are in their rights to not award the prize to two illegal immigrants. Their status in this Country lead to not being awarded the prize. They never should have entered any kind of contest having no right to be in this country.

These illegals should be in hiding from immigration people. They are breaking the law.
Reply:No.That's all we need.Another unlicensed,uninsured driver on the road.
Reply:how about a consolation prize? A one-way ticket to Mexico!!!

Reply:They are being unfair. She has cancer.

No green card no car?

This 22 year old woman was here since she was 7 years old she has no legal status,has 2 kids and recently was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer.

She entered a raffle at a spanish radio station .

The price was a 1999 Corvet donated from a famous Mexican/American singer.

The only rule was to be present at time of drawing.

Well she won the car but the radio station lawyer told her tha t if she claim her price He will call U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement to get her deported.

The radio station is the one that organized the "famous" march of people last year.

In a separate incident this month,Toys R Us agreed to award a chinese american infant born in New York a 25,000 prize in a New Year's baby contest after the company was criticized for disqualifying the girl because her mother was (is) an illegal immigrant from china.

Do you think the radio station should give this poor woman (now she is in hiding because she is afraid), the car she won?

No green card no car?
What's wrong with this country lately? then it should be advertised as " for US citizens only " next time! if they don't want to give up the prize than why not just says so! why costing so much consumers time and money and then when they show up needs proof of citizen status? what's make this radio station imposing the laws or abusing the laws; its just a radio station for god shakes not an INS office! why not become an independent office of Immigration and Naturalization Services during daytime then turn into a hard rock station at night! its make sense.

The rules state that the radio station can't give her the prize until she presents her social security number. Until she becomes a citizen she can't get one. If she's illegal she doesn't deserve the car anyway.

Get a social, get the car, or get out. That's the law. That's what I say. I don't feel sorry for her at all.
Reply:"This 22 year old woman was here since she was 7 years old she has no legal status,has 2 kids and recently was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer."

And? So what? So she has had that many years to get legal, and hasn't bothered. Lots of people have been diagnosed with cancer. Again, so what? What possible effect does that have on the present situation.

"Do you think the radio station should give this poor woman (now she is in hiding because she is afraid), the car she won?"

Sounds to me like they will, if she shows up and presents the needed documents to claim it. And my opinion doesn't mean much, the station has the last word on the situation, and they have made their position clear. Get legal, get you car, or don't, and if you show up I will call customs. What does the march have to do with it? Nothing, so why even mention that?
Reply:Nope!!! She is here illegally!! She is the reason why I have to press one to hear it in English or it goes straight to Spanish. Rules are rules and if you don't like them don't play. She should be in hiding and I hope they find her soon to send her back.
Reply:Yea tell her to go back to her damn country an stop crowding up the highways

No green card no car?

This 22 year old woman was here since she was 7 years old she has no legal status,has 2 kids and recently was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer.

She entered a raffle at a spanish radio station .

The price was a 1999 Corvet donated from a famous Mexican/American singer.

The only rule was to be present at time of drawing.

Well she won the car but the radio station lawyer told her tha t if she claim her price He will call U.S. immigration and Customs Enforcement to get her deported.

The radio station is the one that organized the "famous" march of people last year.

In a separate incident this month,Toys R Us agreed to award a chinese american infant born in New York a 25,000 prize in a New Year's baby contest after the company was criticized for disqualifying the girl because her mother was (is) an illegal immigrant from china.

Do you think the radio station should give this poor woman (now she is in hiding because she is afraid), the car she won?

No green card no car?
First this woman breaks the law and we are suppose to feel sorry for her. There are American citizens in worse condition than this women; they deserve our help. The illegals are here to take what they can get and not have to pay their fair share. We have to stop rewarding the illegals.
Reply:If the raffle ticket didn't specify that only legal US residents can qualify then the radio station has no right to withhold the prize.

This isn't any different than a tourist buying a raffle ticket in another country.

If she really wants the car she should leave the US, enter back in with a tourist visa and claim the car legally.

I find it hard to believe a Spanish Radio Station would raise such a ruckus over a 1999 Corvet. Who do they think their audience is going to side with in this dispute?
Reply:Only if she uses it to go home to her country.
Reply:obviously you didn't`t enter the U.S. Illegally by yourself since you where only 7 years old.I am pretty sure that the Immigration has some kind of program to help you.Did you have your children in the U.S.?That alone should help.Is the father of the kid`s still available? I don`t think that they can deport you.You are only 22 years old,that means your kid`s are still young and need their mom.Just go to the web site.The Department of Homeland Security handles immigration now.You should check into it and nobody would know where you are at.Go to "www.ins.gov".they also have all kind`s of legal advise you can read up on.Don`t be scared.I think thinks will work out for you.
Reply:If the prize promisers stated initially, "foreigners need not apply", then they should be ineligible for the prize, otherwise the prize promisers need to give these people the prizes they won.
Reply:Once they found out her status, they should have informed the INS. Of course she doesn't get the prize. She's a criminal. She's here illegally, and doesn't get rewarded for that. I don't care what her story is or why she is here; the fact is she KNOWS she's a criminal, and has done nothing about it.

I sincerely hope the INS turned up at her door shortly after this story broke.
Reply:Everyone should have to go through the legal system. Sorry.

sandals church

Was it "Muscle flexing" that led China to take the Olympic flame up Everest?

Or was burning things up there a "green" protest by a Comunistist totaltarian state?

Was it "Muscle flexing" that led China to take the Olympic flame up Everest?
yeah, someone might take it 20,000 leagues under the sea next , or to the north pole,

countries will be trying to take the torch to the most extreme places. Maybe America will try the moon or mars, unfortunately it would have trouble burning unless, there is rules that allow them to change its fuel.

I think china has invented a new Olympic sport.
Reply:Muscle Flexing is when you showing your muscle like picking up your muscle standig in front opeople and moving your hands around so they can see your muscle, while you do all kind of thing, in differnt ways, then your muscle are like real big, and you, are just showing the off.
Reply:It's a trap! Pro-Tibetan Yeti's are waiting for them
Reply:Yes I think so :)
Reply:propaganda bullshit. They are showing the world that they are going to do as they damn well please. Who's going to stop them, the U.S.? They own us.
Reply:Do they have muscles?...lol

H1-B , china passsport wants to visit HONG KONG,(vacation)?

I'm a chinese citizen, currently working in USA and planning to go on a vacation to hong kong at the end of this year or next year. I start my H1B visa from this OCT. what should have for visiting Hongkong? Do I need a permit to enter Hongkong? and Do I need get visa from Canada for coming back to USA? Or I only need get visa from Hongkong for coming back to USA? I didn't start apply Green Card. This is the first time I plan to travel outside of USA, so totally no idea. :) Hopefully I express myself clearly.

Thanks everyone's help !!

H1-B , china passsport wants to visit HONG KONG,(vacation)?
china citizens will need entry permit from Chinese Embassy/Consulates if they stay in Hong Kong for more than 7 days. you need to contact china embassy regarding visa/ permit for entering Hong Kong.

as a h1b visa holder, you need H1 stamp on your passport to re-enter to US. to get H1 stamp, you will need to go to US embassy to apply one. you can choose either HK or Canada embassy depending upon which is more convenient for you.

US embassy in Hong Kong


US embassy in Beijing


US embassy in Canada

Reply:You have to follow the rules with regard to holding a Chinese passport, as you entering Hong Kong on a Chinese passport.

Contact your embassy and they will tell you what visas, if any you need for traveling to Hong Kong from the US on a Chinese passport.

What will China ,African ,Europa and other countries say to the USA?

when you give one group a right and then forget how that may make others ask why not all of us why just them ,if the president of the USA is to pass a law giving asylum and green cards and drivers licence's to illegals from south of the boarder than don't you think those who came here from other places will want to know why they cant get in on this or its just that we dont see them as good as mexcians. I see trouble ahead in a big way for the usa.

What will China ,African ,Europa and other countries say to the USA?
They will say what Henny Youngman said, "Take my wife, PLEASE!"
Reply:I say to hell with all the illegal immigrants, we should send them back to their own countries. Unless they want to come here through the proper channels, then they can just stay where they are!!
Reply:Yeah, I agree with you.

I think other countries will ask, "US, what the h-ell are you doing?"

There is a double standard. They say, "there are more illegals than just Mexicans." This is true, but Mexicans are the "target" group that they want to give these "benefits" to.

Either way, it isn't fair: 1-to the legal citizens, and 2-to other aliens who come here.

You made a good point.

How many green myths, contradictions and lies do you notice?

For me, my favorite is bamboo and linoleum flooring. Bamboo flooring comes from Asia on carbon-pumping diesel-burning cargo ships from around the world. Linoleum comes from Europe, so the carbon-pumping diesel-burning cargo ship syndrome exists. Also, a linoleum plant can't even be built in north America due to environmental laws. The immense amount of organic VOCs released during the manufacturing process would never fly here. CFL bulbs are made in China too- all aboard! Sooner or later people will realize that Environment is directly linked to Economy via global trade. You can't have it both ways.

How many green myths, contradictions and lies do you notice?
I rec'd this email the other day...boy does it hit the nail right on!!

This lay up is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA (Tucson) used by human smugglers.

This lay up area is located in a wash area approximately ¼ of a mile long just south of Tucson.

We estimate there are over 3,000 discarded back packs in this layup area. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, and soiled baby diapers.

As I kept walking down the wash, I was sure it was going to end just ahead, but I kept walking and walking, and around every corner was more and more trash!

The trash left behind by the illegals is another of the Environmental Disasters to hit the USA. Had this been done in one of our great Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas there would be an uprising of the American people........but this is remote Arizona-Mexican border. You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Repugnant. Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the human waste left in the desert. They do talk about light bulbs a lot though. ..

These photos need to be seen by the rest of the country....and especially by policy makers at every level of government.
Reply:Biofuels are a viable solution. The production of biofuels, specifically corn based ethanol has raised the price of food and feed, leading to an increase in poultry and dairy. On top of that absurdity of use of food for fuel when people are dying due to lack of essential sustenance. An increase in food prices are not helping. Also the American tax payer is and will pay for all the subsidies in exchange for not producing food, cows, soy, and any other non heavily subsidized product
Reply:No matter how green we go, anything mankind does

to try to make things better for the environment still

spells doom for the Earth. Truth or myth.

All the talk about global warming, hole in the ozone

layer, we're already on the path of destruction.

But the earth has the amazing power to heal

itself, deep down I hope I'm wrong and

mankind gets a second chance toward

Reply:Just remember Joc Sheri of France, was quite clear, it doesn't matter if the numbers on GW are correct, its about leveling the playing field with the Americana's.
Reply:Oh, I never knew that Environment is directly linked to Economy via global trade. Let me write that down.
Reply:Well you gotta pick the lesser of two evils.


Would you eat fish from China? Given all the recent bans on all other types of products from China?


Check your freezer people...think about that fried shrimp or that Nummy fish sandwhich at the cafe' you ate...Hmmm, high quality huh? "Solient Green" Anyone?

Would you eat fish from China? Given all the recent bans on all other types of products from China?
No i would not.

In fact, i have thrown out all my China made canned foods and am avoiding purchasing any other China made products, food or otherwise!
Reply:blah blah blah

stop blaming China...

have you ever been to China?

oh yeah, you just sit at your computer looking for more "reasons" to blame China
Reply:No %26amp; I wouldn't buy anything made in China

by reason of safety issues.
Reply:I check labels on food and if it's from China, I bypass it. Our own food safety systems still miss things, but at least we have checks and balances in place to check the quality of food. There have been too many instances of Chinese officials knowing about the safety problems and ignoring them for me to be comfortable buying anything from China. Unfortunately, quite a bit of the merchandise sold in North America is from China. I wish the local governments would put more pressure on China to do more to ensure product safety.
Reply:Put blame where it belongs. They have practically non-existent safety standards. They send us toys, food and toothpaste that poison us. Let's stop buying their krap, so they can stop working their citizens like rented mules. The next time you go to wal-mart and pick up food or toys, check for the "made in China" label..Then put it back on the shelf.

You think their food is scary, wait until they start sending cars!
Reply:lead paint......fish.... i dont see any comparisons....

I am in china mainland.this is my third year.i enjoy chinese food.my teeth is getting yellowish why?

is it due to chinese food or drinking green tea or due to bad water quality. i have not visited dentist. is there any home made medicines or any other solutions for it?

I am in china mainland.this is my third year.i enjoy chinese food.my teeth is getting yellowish why?
it can be due to a number of things and it happens to people all over the world...not just because you live in china

drinking tea in general does stain the teeth, as does coffee. chinese food...it depends on what you eat. If it's full of food colouring (which chinese food is not), then maybe it's that. or curry.

for homemade remedies, Crest Whitestrips is really useful and it actually works.
Reply:Maybe your enjoying the food so much your forgetting to brush your teeth?

Teeth getting yellow can be caused by any food, not just chinese food. Make sure you brush and floss at least twice a day, and remember to brush your tongue as well (80% of bacteria rests on your tongue).

Why Do "Green" Liberals Still Say The "CO2" Kyoto Treaty Is Good For The Environment?

The Kyoto treaty is nothing but a welfare program for 3rd world countries. It closes "clean" factories in countries with good enviromental laws (like the U.S.) and creates new "dirty" factories in countries with bad pollution records (like China ).

The Kyoto Treaty is a joke. Communist China and India don't have to follow the treaty but they are able to sell their pollution credits to clean countries in Europe. Because of the Kyoto Treaty, many European companies could not operate without purchasing pollution credits from 3rd world countries. And if those same European companies were located in China or India then the companies would be able to pollute as much as they wanted to.

China sells pollution credits to Spain for $375 million


Why Do "Green" Liberals Still Say The "CO2" Kyoto Treaty Is Good For The Environment?
Not only doesn't China have to follow it..In a few years they will far out pollute us...
Reply:Has any of them Stopped driving all those gas guzzling vehicles? Accorxding to them cows emitting gases are just as big a problem to the environment and helping thousands of illegal aleins stay in the country will teach greedy Americans what it is like to live in a Third World Country too according to the Sierra Club! They are filthy rich and want to stay that way! It;s Hypocritical as they put Americans out of work!
Reply:liberals love government control of corporations because they hate corporations they can't control.
Reply:it would be a recipe for starvation and for what, a myth called Man Made global warming.
Reply:your barking up the wrong tree. you think the reason why we outsource to china is just for cheap labor? It is also so they have to deal with the pollution from manufacturing goods rather than us.
Reply:Why Do "Green" Liberals Still Say The "CO2" Kyoto Treaty Is Good For The Environment?

Only because the developed countries have exhausted their quota of pollution and now crying for the pollution credits! Mr. Bush does not care for the Kyoto treaty and is in good condition, who cares. Why blame China and India why not the USA the greatest polluter of the environment.
Reply:Also known as the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, this treaty is a goal agreed upon by many nations of the world. Its aims are to reduce greenhouse gases by limiting each nation's output. Green liberals stand by this treaty because it is a way to solve global warming by taking the next step toward weening ourselves off of fossil fuels for energy. It also is a great treaty in that it gets the world on the same page so that we can all work toward a cleaner environment.

China: what the difference between party (ccp) and state in china. is there no difference at all.what's truth.

in usa, many modern party, parties:

left-right-center party

democrat party

republican party

green party

libertarian party

coke party, pepsi party, mcdonald party, burger-king party

coors, budweiser, miller party, miller party

how come there is only one-party in party.

what's the difference between party-state, state-party

is there really no difference at all.

is the party the state

is the state the party.

what's the truth now.?

China: what the difference between party (ccp) and state in china. is there no difference at all.what's truth.
The truth is a lie. The lie is the truth. You can't have the party without the state and you can't have a state without the party.


Why are british drivers persecuted so much when their carbon footprint is only a tiny fraction of China's?

The way British drivers are taxed (new car prices, engine size tax ,more road tax for bigger engines higher fuel taxes) you would think that they caused 90% of the world's pollution, when in fact it is an insignificant amount. If ALL the cars in Britain were destroyed in one fell swoop, China's power stations alone would have made up their pollution in a week. There are more cars in one state in the US than in the whole of Britain but it's Britain's drivers that get hit hardest...compare petrol prices in the US and the UK...it's the extra tax put on by the British government that makes British petrol prices around 3x greater than in the US.

Isn't it about time these 'green freaks' got things into perspective?

Why are british drivers persecuted so much when their carbon footprint is only a tiny fraction of China's?
i agree that's over the top, I'm in the states and your right there are more cars in most states then there are in the whole of Britain, i live in Arizona and i would say that just the older cars that are emissions exempt probably make up more pollution then your whole country, it doesn't seem fair at all but i guess if you think about it we are the ones, along with china and most other countries that are in the wrong not your government who is doing all it can to reduce emissions. one thing that i think the "green folks" are overlooking though is the fact that in past times when we used wood and coal fires to keep warm and cook with, even with many fewer people in the world we were polluting the air far more then we are now, technically (not taking into consideration pollution from the past) we are cleaner now then we ever have been, if the world were to just even have the emissions standards of the US which isn't so great at all we would still be slowly improving our air quality in comparison to the past. there being way over the top about it over there.
Reply:i would think that it is your government that is greedy. i am american and i know ours is corrupt and greedy.

many americans i know are looking to immigrate elsewhere . we are tired of being spied on , which I understand is a problem in your country too.

if an American leaves to immigrate , we are charged taxes for 10 years as a penalty. Of course, we owe the new country we are living in taxes too. It's insane , the money control countries have other their citizens.

Sorry to hear that that the taxes are sooo high there. I feel for you , but know that the economy here is falling / there are problems here too. Not sure where a good place to live is, but I am looking !
Reply:Because us Brits keep voting for politicians who promise " we won't screw you this time". Evolution has created a breed of human that actually wants to be screwed, they live on a small island in the north Atlantic controlled by the USA.
Reply:I genuinly believ the reason British drivers are prosecuted and presecuted is because its a money making ploy by the labour government.
Reply:just a way for this govt. to screw even more money out of us!!.
Reply:Well if no-body did anything we wouldn't be here in 10 years time anyway.

Is today's environmental movement corporate America's new eco-friendly right hand? Look for the green tag.

According to EcoWorldly, since 2007, food riots have occured in Mexico, India, Morocco, Egypt, China, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Guinea, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Senegal. Countries have stopped allowing food exports.

Here in America the environmentalists are lobbying nonstop for more programs to TURN MORE FOOD INTO GASOLINE MORE EFFICIENTLY. Oil barons of old are tied by the hip to the new green industry corn barons of 2008-2009. Preventing a possible 1 to 3 degree temperature rise in a hundred years is the mission. While in Haiti they feed their kids MUD CAKES.

RESPONSE SO FAR. All those studies are a lie.

Well, there is a World Bank report that came out just this morning suggesting worldwide clamaty. They are not usually willing to lie for the powerless and the starving of the world but they were more compassionate than the environmental movement.

This has truely been a sad, rough year for humanity.

Is today's environmental movement corporate America's new eco-friendly right hand? Look for the green tag.
"Here in America the environmentalists are lobbying nonstop for more programs to TURN MORE FOOD INTO GASOLINE MORE EFFICIENTLY."

We most certainly are NOT doing that. The agribusiness lobbyists are, and politicians from corn producing states are, and Auto companies like Chevy are using it as a marketing ploy, but ACTUAL ENVIRONMENTALISTS ARE AGAINST CORN BASED ETHANOL.

A small chunk of the environmental movement is comprised of members of the corporate community who are using increased environmental awareness as a tool for marketing their product. But to characterize the entire movement, which comprises people from around the globe, in such a limited capacity is a real insult. Oh, and industrial agricultural corporate growers or "corn Barron's" are about as far from the environmental movement as you can get without physically beating eagles to death or dumping dioxin directly into nursery schools.

Real environmentalists say: "Fork Corn Ethanol".
Reply:Climate change is a money and power grab scheme by bottom feeder politicians and power brokers. It's nothing to do with ecology and everything to do with money.

Con artists like Gore have enriched themselves on this issue, taking home Oscars, Nobel Prizes and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, evangelical leaders are setting up their flocks for extreme fleecing by leftist politicos like Barack Obama, who will appeal for Christian votes by talking in glowing, biblical-sounding terms about "being good stewards of God's creation."

Here is truth about global warming:

Global warming is one-half of the climatic cycle of warming and cooling.

The earth's mean temperature cycles around the freezing point of water.

This is a completely natural phenomenon which has been going on since

there has been water on this planet. It is driven by the sun.

Our planet is currently emerging from a 'mini ice age', so is

becoming warmer and may return to the point at which Greenland is again usable as farmland (as it has been in recorded history).

As the polar ice caps decrease, the amount of fresh water mixing with oceanic water will slow and perhaps stop the thermohaline cycle (the oceanic heat 'conveyor' which, among other things, keeps the U.S. east coast warm).

When this cycle slows/stops, the planet will cool again and begin to enter another ice age.

It's been happening for millions of years.

The worrisome and brutal predictions of drastic climate effects are based on computer models, NOT CLIMATE HISTORY.

As you probably know, computer models are not the most reliable of sources, especially when used to 'predict' chaotic systems such as weather.

Global warming/cooling, AKA 'climate change':

Humans did not cause it.

Humans cannot stop it.
Reply:It is sad that socialism has progressed. The worst thing for the poor is for socialism to metastasize. The green movement is obviously tied to socialism more than corporations. Some corporations have seen the opportunity to make a buck by capitalizing on the green fad. Much of the food crisis is caused by the failure of the rice crop in Asia. I am not a big ethanol bio-fuel proponent but the high costs are probably only temporary since there is plenty of land that is not being farmed. Our best bet is to let the free markets work. Subsidies for ethanol and bio-fuels are not free market solutions and are therefore bound to have numerous problems. That is the real lesson IMO.