white tea ,green tea ,which is helpful ?
What is white tea in China?
There are three basic kinds of tea: green, oolong. brown (aka black). They are divided up according to how much processing they go through before being dried and packaged.
Green tea is the least processed while brown is the most. This means that green teas has both less caffeine and more anti-oxidents which help to remove free radicals from your system (free radicals can cause all kinds of problems for cells).
Brown tea (your black teas and ice teas) have a higher caffeine content and practicaly no anti-oxidents.
Oolong is somewhere between these two.
White tea is really a type of green tea (though most white tea lovers would probably argue that point) that is picked before the leaf budds open, usualy giveing it a lighter and more delicate flavor. While I am not very familiar about the exact health properties of white tea, I asume that it is not very different from the rest of the green teas.
Reply:Green tea is most useful.
Reply:There are various classification of teas in China
Black tea is the best known and most popular tea in the world, however, in Chinese, it is called 紅茶 [hong cha] or literally “red tea.” Most people would agree that the color of black tea is really more red than black. The “black” really refers to the color of the dark fully oxidized tea leaves. An example of the red tea is 正山小種 [zheng shan xiao zhong] grown in Fujian.
Chinese tea is classified based on the level of oxidation or fermentation process of the 茶葉 [cha ye] or tea leaves after they are picked. The tea leaves with minimal oxidation is generally known as 綠茶 [lu cha] or literally “green tea” and the color of the tea is of a bright green tint. The oxidation level is stopped by dry cooking the freshly picked leaves in hot pans. 龍井茶 [long jing cha] is a well known example of Chinese green tea grown in Zhejian.
烏龍茶 [wu long cha] or oolong tea is classifieid as 青茶 [qing cha] or blue* tea. The level of oxidation ranges from 15% to 75% between that of the green tea and red tea. The lower oxidation level of tea leaves yield a more golden color whereas the higher oxidation level of tea leaves produce a redder color like the red tea. Oolong is primarily grown in Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan. 鐵觀音 [tie guan yin] is an example of blue tea grown in Taiwan.
Distinguished by the white hair-like fur on the leaves, 白茶 [bai cha] or white tea is primarily grown in Fujian. The leaves are generally air-dried in the sun as opposed to being oven-roasted for the oolong. White tea yields a pale green color of tea. 白牡丹 [bai mu dan] is an example of white tea grown in Fujian.
黃茶 [huang cha] or yellow tea whose tea leaves have a relatively low level of oxidation and are generally more yellow which consequently produce a yellow-colored tea. 君山銀針 [jun shan yin zhen] is an example of yellow tea grown in Hunan.
黑茶 [hei cha] or black tea whose tea leaves are fully oxidized and dark brown like those of red tea. Some of the popular black tea are compressed into tea bricks or discs as opposed to loose tea leaves. A well known example of black tea is 普洱茶 [pu er cha] also known as pu-erh tea is grown in Yunnan.
Outside the rainbow colors of Chinese tea classification, there are still many types of tea, including 花茶 [hua cha] or flower tea, commonly known as 香片 [xiang pian] or scented tea, which blends flower petals with tea leaves. A popular example of scented tea is 茉莉花茶 [mo li hua cha] or jasmine tea, is a blend of oolong and jasmine.
As far as which is helpful - I think more people are familiar with the green tea and more studies have been done on green tea that it might be a preferred choice. However, more studies could be done on white tea and others to determine the healthful benefits of each type of teas.
Reply:They are equally good. The only difference is that there are just too many MEDIOCRE green tea in the market.
Bottled green tea, teabags or decaffeinated green tea is hardly worth it. They contain a fraction of catechins found in loose green tea.
The best green tea is made from very young tea shoots. So is white tea.
Green tea processing involves picking, high heat firing, rolling and final drying.
White tea processing go through the same process, but skips the rolling bit.
Drinking those tender tea shoots are the key. They contain the most catechins and theanine.