Anybody else think its all just a waste of time?
I don't mean global warming is not a problem, but here in Britain the government seems to be going to a lot of effort to make us do all this green stuff when infact we are a very small island in the world and only contribute a very small ammount to the problem.
While things might be helped if every country did their bit, is there really any point if places like china india and america are canceling out our own efforts by polluting more and more each year?
One more thing that annoys me is how the government seems to be trying to make all of us feel guilty about it and is using the excuse of going green to tax us more on a lot of things - taxes which really will only impact poorer people, when infact if Britain was to go fully 'green' then it would certainly be at the cost of an economic disaster.
All this going green stuff...?
Having come over from Australia in the late 80's I was shocked to see how little Britain was doing in the way of conservation. At last they are catching up. It might take then a while to get it right though.
Reply:That reminds me of something I read a while ago that said,if the consumers in the US cut back to the average levels of consumers in Western Europe and the UK,the world economy would collapse and we would be in the midst of a depression greater than the Great Depression of the 1930s.
Reply:newest trend for the moment
Reply:Britain may not occupy a lot of space, but there are plenty of people there. If each of you made an effort to reduce your impact on the environment, it would be noticed.
No nation, no matter the size, should think that global warming is not their problem. We're all part of the problem, and we should all be part of the solution.
The problem is that the solutions, like so many things, are very complicated, and politics and business are interfering with what's right.
For example, here in the U.S., there's a big push to use ethanol. Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that a gallon of ethanol provides less energy than that required to produce it. Even if it did produce more energy, the incremental amount is insignificant. So we burn a gallon of gas to make 1.1 gallons of ethanol? What's the point? Now that everyone is trying to use ethanol, it's driving up the price of corn, which drives up the price of meat, because corn is one of the primary feeds for cattle, chicken, and other farm animals.
The result is that we're burning oil to make ethanol - which provides no more energy than the oil burned to make it - and increasing the cost of food as a result. Nothing green about that. In fact, it's increasing our "carbon footprint," not decreasing it.
Reply:Unless everyone does what's right for our environment, we
are in trouble sooner than most realize....The rain forrests
are disappearing so fast we soon won't have oxygen to
breathe...and you are takes everyone especially
large economies like America and China... like you
say, what smaller ones do will just be......not enough!
Reply:It's a swindle. Global warming is a natural process - why do you think we don't have a sheet of ice covering the British Isles any more?
Reply:i was in here like a rocket, i thought there was some weed going
Reply:If i was to start on this subject I'd never stop so before I do that ,I'm going to say I'm with you on this one.
Reply:Actually we do contribute quite a large amount to global warming, because we are an MEDC and one of the most powerful countries in the world (even if we are just a small country). Think of the thousands of factories in the UK, along with the thousands of aeroplane fights across the world from UK airports and the smillions of vehicles that sit on the road's, emitting harmful gases. We might be small, but we do manage to harm our planet quite a bit.
Reply:every little bit helps.
Reply:This is the leftist way of make people do what they want for some "crisis" they create...and money is usually the name of the game....and political power.
There is no evidence that Gobal Warning is the "crisis" they are trying to make you think it is. There are lots of reputable scientists who say the facts do not support their opinions.
And you are very observant. Just notice when a "crisis" is announced. There are several that have been far not getting the "bird flu"....The "beef scare"....and yes...Global warming.....which if you pay attention is what the "average guy" should have to follow...not the political if you listen to Hannity ...on Fox News....he will show the hypocricy...that we should live in grass houses, hang the wash out on a line, only ride on bicycles...while they use more electricty in one home that thousands of people, and fly around in their jets who use more fuel that most people would using driving for a number of trips. It is a joke.Only "we" are supposed to have to follow it...not he political leader spouting off!
So you are right to question...and let your government know you don't buy it!
Reply:we re-cycle glass paper plastics cans .and the money made goes back into our community not govnts back pocket.
Reply:The idea that we should all do more to combat global warming went out of the window as far as I was concerned when,early this year,I read that Buck House was to be allowed to switch on every light from about 4pm because the tourists wanted to see the place better.This when the "peasants"were being pressured to conserve energy!!