
Why when the UK is 5% of co2 emissions should we worry? china + others are increasing output ofco2?

why when the UK is 5% of co2 emissions should we worry? china and and developing countries produce more and are increasing co2 output.

If we decrease output while others increase their output what is achieved.

In this country the only benefit is to the government in the revenue it gets from its "Green Taxes"

This does not benefit the environment but only gives more in taxes.

Import taxes from countries that are environmentaly poor is the only answer so when they clean up their act their taxes reduce - simple isn't it

Stop taxing us and tax the people that are incresing the co2

Why when the UK is 5% of co2 emissions should we worry? china + others are increasing output ofco2?
We (UK) may make 5% of the world's emissions, but we are less than 1% of the world's population.

It's the per capita emissions that need to be considered and it seems hypocritical of us to prevent economic growth in developing nations while maintaining a high per capita CO2 emission rate ourselves.

If taxes are to be used properly for this they need to be high enough to change people's behaviour. Green taxes are at present too low to achieve this, and they merely raise revenue. However, if the state didn't take that money off me when I buy petrol, they'd take it somewhere else.

Is the climate change we are undoubtedly experiencing due to human activity?

Well, unlike some of the geniuses who have already answered, I don't actually know. I do know that to assume human activity has no effect is the lazy way out, because it requires the individual to do nothing.

Cutting down on the resources we waste, and recycling materials when we can will most definitely not cause any harm, and perhaps it might just save the planet.
Reply:CO2 emissions must be controled by the governments in all countries in order to stop global warming and ensure the continuity of humankind.
Reply:The UK has 5% of the worlds CO2 emmissions but ony 0.1% of the worlds population.
Reply:The whole CO2 and Global Warming hype is a government scam lead by the EU and British governments to enable them to rip us off with more tax. That's is all. The world has heated and cooled over the millenia which has brought about the extinction and formation of different species and now is now different.
Reply:CO2 = plant food
Reply:the whole global warming thing is absolute rubbish. There is no scientific proof that CO2 has anything to do with global warming.

Several research studies have shown that CO2 levels rise as a result of global warming not the other way round.

Of all CO2 emmissions only 3.207% are generated from the activities of man, so even if every country in the world halved CO2 production, it would only make a difference of 1.6%. That is statistically irrelevant. It is less than the natural variability of CO2 levels.

The whole CO2 bandwagon has been created simply as another excuse to raise taxes and to try and conserve oil supplies.

It is quite simply pure spin, and very effective it has been too.

Do your own research and listen to the scientists that have been studying climate change for years, not the supposed signatories that included doctors, biochemists, surgeons etc many of whom admitted that they had zero expertise in the field of global warming.

Don't be hoodwinked!!
Reply:Come on.,Kyoto proved to the world that the U K,Europe,and Canada were the nations who really cared The U S of A would not sign it GOOD SHOW
Reply:co2 has absolutely nothing to do with so called global warming, the fact of the matter is that global warming has been going on for thousands of years and will go on for thousands more . according to scientists this part of the world was covered in ice many thousand years ago , well the ice melted(thank goodness) and it is still melting oh by the way there was no cars , lorries, factories, power stations or farting cows then . The whole thing is engineered by a bunch of ignorant numpties and tree huggers to suit thier own selfish ends

