
I am Indian citizen with green card. can i get transit visa at kualalumpur airport for 3 days?

I am an indian citizen with green card. I am travelling to China, Malaysia and then India. I have a 3 day stay in Malaysia - my question is can I get a transit visa at the airport or do i need to get a tourist visa? I have a ticket for the onward journey.


I am Indian citizen with green card. can i get transit visa at kualalumpur airport for 3 days?
It depends on passport your carry. Malaysia entry does not depend on your Green Card but the passport you show them. So are you going to enter Malaysia as an Indian citizen or a US Green Card holder. (I don't think you can enter the country with a Green Card as that is not a passport).

Try the web site below, they have some good information related on how to obtain a Visa. And yes, if you carry a US passport, you do not need a Visa to enter Malaysia.

