
Apply for Green Card for parents who overstayed their visas?

I am from China. I got my green card 2 years ago through emloyment. My parents now are visiting me in the U.S. on b-2 visitor visa. Their were allowed to stay until January 2008. They filed application for extension to stay longer because of some family issues. Their application was denied by the immigration. If they decide to overstay their visa, will it hurt my application to become US citizen 3 years later. I will be eligible to become US citizen in year 2011.

Also, if they stay until I get my citizenship in 2011, can I apply for green card for them and let them adjust status in the U.S.? Do they get a waiver of punishment to go back to their country, becuase they will be direct relative of U.S. citizen by then.


Apply for Green Card for parents who overstayed their visas?
You should not assume that you will become a U.S. citizen by naturalization. You should not assume that you will become a U.S. citizen in 2011 just because it will be your fifth year as a resident. At the moment, it is taking about 18 months from the time most applications are submitted to the time that the applicant is sworn in. So, becoming a citizen in 2011 is not guaranteed.

If your personal ethics are such that you feel it is justified to harbor illegal aliens in your home (even though they are your parents), it is very unlikely that you will be found to possess "good moral character," which is one of the requirements for naturalization.

It is a violation of law for any person to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection in any place, including any building or means of transportation, any alien who is in the United States in violation of law. Harboring means any conduct that tends to substantially facilitate an alien to remain in the U.S. illegally.

If it comes to light to the immigration authorities that you have encouraged your parents who are illegal aliens to remain in the U.S., it will have a damaging effect on your application for citizenship.
Reply:All I can say if your parents overstayed their visa it will be a problem when you petition for them. They can eve be banned for certain amounts of years depending on how long they overstayed in the US.


2 条评论:

  1. Get a U.S. Green card online.Greencards may be attained through a Family Member, Employment based green card, Investor, Refugee or Asylum.Learn how.

    Apply Green Card Now!

  2. Cool! thanks for sharing this info. I also wonder what to do if you are already overstay your visa. Keep posting.

    Consequences of Overstaying US Visa
