
Environmentalists, why the free pass for China?

And please don't give us all that Kyoto global warming treaty crap. We know China wouldn't sign it yet China is second in producing green house gasses and will surpass the US in 10 years. Yet, Al Gore publically states thats OK for China, because they are a developing nation. So go ahead, destroy the planet, thats OK right?

Environmentalists, why the free pass for China?
Wait, who gave a free pass to China?

I didn't... I don't know anyone else who did. And what I've heard from Al Gore regarding China isn't a free pass.
Reply:Please provide a link where Al Gore states "that's ok for China, because they are a developing nation."

I daresay you have misunderstood or deliberately MISQUOTED.

Please provide a link supporting your accusation.
Reply:No one is giving China a free pass. Quite the opposite. Most business won't deal with China in regards to the methods in which they manage hazardous wastes. Take some time to find out what environmentalists really think, not what some Radio host tells you.
Reply:They do have a brain cell after all huh? Greenpeace and the rest of the politically correct would not dare challenge them. They outnumber everybody on the planet and I don't think anybody would want to really piss them off in telling them what to do...
Reply:And why is ok for them to continue on with their deplorable human rights record? And while they are the 2nd leading producer of CO2 they are the worst polluter.

The reason Al Gore thinks its ok is because they realize that we couldn't force them to abide by it anyway.
Reply:They don't care about the enviroment. They selected the enviroment as an issue to attack capitalism and democracy. China has a phony capitalism and NO democracy.

