
Can i have Triple Citizenships?

I am a U.S. Citizen by birth. My mother and father were born in Nicaragua and still have their citizenships but they reside here in the U.S. (Los Angeles) and have their Green Cards. My great-grandfather was born in China, he later arrived in Nicaragua and married a Nicaraguan citizen. He fought alongside the famous Nicaraguan hero, Augusto Sandino, who he taught to speak some Mandarin!

Ok, went a bit of course. I am currently in the process of obtaining my Nicaraguan citizenship (Dual Citizenship Nicaraguan/American). I was wondering if, by my Chinese ancestry, i can obtain Chinese citizenship along with my Nicaraguan/American citizenship.

I will be going to Nicaraguan this Dec. and plan to get my grandfather's birth and marriage certificate. I know both Nicaragua and the U.S. allow DUAL citizenship, but am not sure it they allow triple citizenship.

Can i have Triple Citizenships?
If a country allows dual citizenship, then they allow triple as well. If they don't have a problem with you holding one foreign citizenship at the same time, then there is no reason they would have a problem with two.
Reply:Gorman is right - if a country has no law against dual citizenship, it has no law against more-than-dual citizenship. There are some individuals who have four, five, or even more.

