
Chinese student , grace wang, Another cheap attempt to get americans tax money?


The story was she was trying to console anti china and pro china crowds.

A chinese student name grace wang of duke university has a father who is a Communist Party member.

My question is :

Is this just another attempt to fool the government in giving her and her family green cards?

If her father works for the government how much money does he actually make in order to be able to send her daughter to study in Duke and live in USA

Also when the parents apartment was attack, they can just move? It takes lots of money to be able to do that.

Chinese student , grace wang, Another cheap attempt to get americans tax money?
You're being completely ridiculous. She's a person with her own opinions on things, and if she doesn't agree with the overly nationalistic counter-protestors nor with the ill-informed pro-Tibet protestors, how does that give you the right to go around trashing her reputation? She's a college freshman, and it's disgusting how many idiots have decided to attack her and her family.

Why would she want green cards when her family is quite well off?!

And lots of government officials make a lot of money in China, just because you're a government official doesn't mean you're poor. No US Senators are anything even close to poor, most of them are multi-millionaires several times over, and it's no different when you're a high-ranking Communist Party official.

Seriously, get a reality check and stop dreaming up insane conspiracy theories. She's just a random college freshman behaving like an educated college student should.
Reply:well, I dont think she's after the greencard, but i REALLY believe she's after the fame.

I know people who lives in the same dorm with her, and apparently, she does not have a good reputation there within both the chinese and western circle. They say she lies all the time. Report It

Reply:I just think we need to stop giving so many green cards away ! Americans economy is currently in crises and many hard working americans who is working 2 jobs still can't keep ends meet. Report It

Reply:she just want a green card. and her family in china only have a average income so how can they support a daughter to study in US? i wander where the money come from?

did you know she also got a plastic surgery and changed her name become she come to US? Report It

Reply:wow, would you really believe a person in front of 2 mobs of people would be thinking about a greencard? Not everyone in the world is trying to abuse situations. I hope you can clarify your perspective on the world a bit as your post is so negative. I am amazed that you immediately question her families financial situation and even ability to escape harrassment. If someone attacked your families home, what would they do?
Reply:So, you read a story about persecution of Chinese protestors and the first thing you think is "I bet she's trying to cheat her way to my tax dollars"?

You're odd.

Get some perspective.

