
Does oolong tea realy help you loose weight? If so where can I buy it in the UK?


I have just been told that oolong tea is 250% more effective for loosing weight than green tea and nettle tea. I have been drinking nettle tea over 6 months now and have definately seen the benefits since I have lost half a stone without changing my diet or exercising more. If it's true that oolong tea is 250% more effective then I'd love to know where I can buy it from in the UK? I have read that if it comes from or has anything to do with China to stay well away as it could do you more harm than good due to the chemical filled soil that they grow it in over there.

Does anyone know where I can buy this tea not grown in China? If so can you buy it from any health food shops over the counter or do you have to get it online? I'd prefer it if I could buy it in a shop or supermarket then I know exactly what I'm getting, I'm a bit funny about buying things like this online.

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this xxx

Does oolong tea realy help you loose weight? If so where can I buy it in the UK?
i have bought it off ebay and omg i would never try it or advise anyone else to lets just say only reason you might lose some weight is for the fact that you cant get off the toilet ! i stopped using it but if you really want to try it then ebay sell it from the uk good luck if you decide to try it

