
Problem with my DS !!!!!!?

I live in America. I got a DS 6 months ago. I'm having a vacation in China. When i have no power left in my DS i go charge it. But when i charge it in China. The DS can't be charged. When i put the DS in the charger the green light does not go on. The charger was not working because the charger wasn't made to charge a DS in China. I need someone's help. I need some one to tell me where to get a charger for DSs in China. I've looked everywhere. In the mall game shops and MORE! Now i'm stuck in China without playing my DS!!! H! E! L! P!!!!!! O by the way i play pokemon diamond. I have the national dex. I 'm trading pokemon.(like legendarys and more. I'm looking for people trading starters like the fire type pokemon and the grass type. I have the water type) So if u want to trade u can give me the ID and the password. I will trade with u when i get back to America. TY!!!!(^_^)/)

Problem with my DS !!!!!!?
well.. never been to china.. but in some countrys the plugins from usa doesent work cus of there different wireing and such. of plug ins.... also it may because nds and psp are regin protected..and yeah either that or u may of broke ur nds while going to china
Reply:first look in electronic stores n if you cant find a charger find an american-chinese converter

hope this helps
Reply:i will trade you a mew for a manaphy if you have one


