
Why does the USA tell other countries to follow laws, when USA never did during its industrialization era?

The USA committed the following during preindustrialization era:

1. used Chinese slaves to build the Transcontenental Railroad without labor rights

2. USA and Britain sold opium to China as an export for China's silk imports

3. USA rob other countries of its oil, while doing nothing for the foreign countries poor. USA support tyranical dictatorships to secure its oil needs

4. USA/Britain takes over Hong Kong so they can trade on Anglo Saxson rules. They don't respect China's affairs and value of keeping outsiders from mendling in internal affairs

And Now, USA is telling Afganistan to stop the opium trade? Mind your own F'king business. USA is arrogant. Also, USA tells China to stop the intellectual property violations? Get real, if you Americans don't like it, don't do business with China, but yet you do, I wonder why? Green Stuff. USA will sell USA secrets for a price because USA is the arrogant greedy bastard without morals, integrity, ethics, and virtues.

Why does the USA tell other countries to follow laws, when USA never did during its industrialization era?

(thats what you answered on my question)

stop answering my questions with useless answers.

you know how much that annoys me?

gosh, get a life.
Reply:The bottom line is you non-Anglos have no clue as to what you are doing...with anything!
Reply:You're leaving out that the US is freaking out about the "illegal" immigration problem when most of the White people here (including myself) have ancestors that came here illegally. They will even go so far as to try to justify the Pilgrims coming and taking over the land from the Native Americans. Their reasoning? Because the natives didn't have "written laws" saying they couldn't do that. How's that for double standard?
Reply:Why did the big fish eat the little fish blah blah....this world is for the strong to survive as every country wants this. If we are complacent then we too shall not enjoy the freedom of being capitalist not communist. China is sneaky and has her own problems. Human rights issues,pollution and much more.When you want to play with the big boys on the global market this is how it is done. Trade with China because it is cheap...can't pay Americans 10 cents an hour to work in sweat shops under poor unsafe conditions. China wishes she can go back to the OLD DAYS...cold war days with the Soviet Union in power when these nations did horrible things to thier country and kept it all a secret. Propaganda crap...opress ion and government ruling your life go ahead and live like that. Whenever there are disasters in the world....USA is always there...Where is China???? She stays put and keeps her hands in her pockets. I am not an American but I have yet to see a nation that is perfect. US seems to be all over the world trying to help the same nations that bash her...how ungrateful. China is ruled by dictators and is greedy as well. Remember Tienemen square??? Students in China were shot...no one there is allowed to protest freely. Why do so many Chinese migrate to the USA and Canada and many other places..

They come here for a better life...freedom...education and many of them are already educated...in ENGLISH the language given to HONG KONG from the British...Hong Kong enjoyed her prosperous years as the Golden egg thanks to the British...$$$$$$$$ money and power is on her agenda too!!P.S. China is filled with spies and espionage...watch your back!
Reply:Oh what little concepts of history you have! And little energy of ever finding out what your own people, your nation has done against one another!

You think you are so superior, why don't you really look at your own history and culture and see what atrocities it has committed before you go blasting others for it. Yet I doubt seriously that you would even propose to do so, for it would make you see your nation as just apart of what you blame the USA for.

But why would you do that, to see how much hatred you are expending.
Reply:Every country has its learning period, and politics always has its own agenda.

