
Why Is Hillary blaming the Magnequench FUBAR on Bush?

It was her husband that OK the sale of the highly sensitive missile application technology to the Chinese and now she has the nerve to blame the current president. She must have got her dates mixed up as to when the Chinese were given the green light to buy the defense contractor company and take it back to China.

Why Is Hillary blaming the Magnequench FUBAR on Bush?
for the same reason she:

claimed to be against NAFTA, but lobbied for it hard. Hillary tries to go with the flow in what she thinks people want to hear, and she thinks voters are too dumb to research and find the truth. She will say or do anything to win, to the point of having her supporters set up a press conference with Rev Wright. (the lady who set up the press conference with him for united press corp was a Hillary supporter, but she claimed it was unbiased)

I don't trust her brand of politics, sounds like the same crap that they all do in Washington, tell you whatever you want to hear so you will vote for them.
Reply:If you are a Liberal (as many of the YA people are) Bush is the enemy.He is the cause of global warming,NAFTA,job loses,foreclosure problems,stock market drop,gas prices,our colder winter,the cracks in the pavement in front of your house,Abraham Lincolns assassination and anything else bad that has happened in the last 150 years.Funny how the democratic Senate and House gets a pass for all of the crap going on.They have been in there since 2006,what have they done? Are the Liberals so stupid (I know the answer to this question) to think a president has that much power?Take a look at Pelosi etc..Besides point out all of the problems with the economy,what have they done to make it better? Oh yeah I forgot,now we have to buy Fluorescent lights,problem solved.
Reply:I know China 'acquired' the ability to (MIRV) place multiple

warheads able to hit different targets during Clinton 1.

Thanks Billary!

Reply:Because the Libs blame everything on Bush. If Krakatoa erupted again they would probably blame Bush for that too.
Reply:Bush has always been wrong in all he did, and Clinton at least ran the country well.

Big picture thinking, dude, big picture thinking...
Reply:Notice the pattern THEY WILL SAY ANYTHING.
Reply:Bush did this, right before he created Katrina
Reply:The rest of the world is, it's nothing new that Hillary is


