
What exactly is Hillary's foreign policy experience which prepares her for 3 AM phone calls?

sitting down with the leader of china and sipping on green tea?

What exactly is Hillary's foreign policy experience which prepares her for 3 AM phone calls?
LOL ... what is it with these 3am phone call questions? I think all of them are qualified enough to get up at 3am LOL.

No I don't like Hillary either, I just had to say that.


LOL @ chet - Exactly!
Reply:When that phone rings she can elbow Bill and have him answer it.

Of course he'd screw it up like he did when he was POTUS, too.

Washington Post, On Clinton's Role In Kosovo: "Clinton Repeated Her Claim About Negotiating With Foreign Governments 'On Matters Such As Opening Borders For Refugees During The Way In Kosovo. As I Pointed Out' ... This Seems Quite A Stretch." http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-chec...


George Mitchell: Clinton Was "Not Involved Directly" In Diplomatic Negotiations of Northern Ireland Peace Process. "Hillary Clinton has repeatedly cited her White House years as key to why she has the ability to serve as president from "Day One."

Both she and her husband have pointed to her "independent" role in bringing peace to Northern Ireland as an example of her foreign policy experience.

Her critics, notably former Clinton pollster Dick Morris, have poured scorn on her claim that she was "intimately involved" in the peace process.

So who is right? [...] she accompanied her husband as first lady on those four occasions, so they were hardly "independent" visits. (She would sometimes fly in a day early to give a lecture.)

[...] I just spoke to Senator George Mitchell, the Clinton administration's leading Northern Ireland peace negotiator, who said that Hillary was "not involved directly" in the diplomatic negotiations that led to the landmark April 1998 Good Friday agreement on power-sharing.

On the other hand, Mitchell credits Clinton with taking an intelligent interest in the issues and getting acquainted with many of the key players. [...] Chris Thornton, a political reporter for the Belfast Telegraph, said that Hillary Clinton's visits to northern Ireland contributed to the "mood music" that made an eventual settlement possible, but were hardly key to reaching an agreement.

"Would we have reached a settlement without that kind of stuff? Yes. Would we have got one without the intervention of Bill Clinton and George Mitchell? No.

" Hillary is making a lot more of her Northern Ireland role on the campaign trail than she did in her memoir "Living History."

As the Boston Globe recently noted, her stories of bringing Protestant and Catholic women together have become more dramatic with each retelling.

The claim that she brought Catholics and Protestants together "for the first time" seems dubious.

This would not be the first time that she has mixed up her chronology. [Washington Post, Fact Checker, 1/10/08] http://factcheck.barackobama.com/
Reply:she has none
Reply:She's waking up at 3a.m because Bill was humping someone a woman and making too much noise.
Reply:none --- but she is trying to fool the uneducated base of her support
Reply:Actually, she's not really sipping green tea with the leader of China.

She's there to ask for another $2-$4T dollars to help pay off our accrued war debt.
Reply:Hillary has served for years on the Armed Services Committee since she's been in congress. She knows military and foreign policy. Obama hasn't had the experience to serve on this important committee.

She's married to Bill Clinton, and for eight years, watched a man who was known soundly for his foreign policy. Historians rank him in the top ten best foreign policy speakers. Of course, they rank him towards the bottom when it comes to morality, lol.

Hillary recently gave a foreign policy speech that showed her knowledge and understanding.

Many generals and admirals support Hillary because they know she's ready to be commander-in-chief.

Obama might of played "Space Invaders" in the 80's to prepare for an alien invasion, lol.

In other words, Hillary has foreign policy experience above Obama.
Reply:More importantly, who will answer the 4 am call that's what I want to know
Reply:she likes matchbox 20 also!!!!
Reply:She has even less then Obama. I for one wouldn't allow a brain surgeons wife to do surgery on my brain even if she were in the operating room with him. Her premise is illogical at best.
Reply:Shaking hands with leaders of other countries while touring with her husband during his administration.
Reply:That phone was on her nightstand and she has already answered it before. Seriously though, she has been a senator for a longer time than Obama and has specialized in military affairs. She is enmeshed in military matters. --Maybe too much.
Reply:I'm sure the Clintons are familiar with 3am phone calls
Reply:Instead of sipping tea:

As first lady she spoke out strongly for human rights at a UN conference in China. Even though she was encouraged not to, she gave perhaps the most ardent human rights speech on Chinese soil ever given by an American diplomat. American Rhetoric calls it one of the 100 best speeches in American history. It made headlines around the world and was applauded as an important event for human rights around the world:


